Prime minister Nerendra Modi will be visiting neighbouring Bangladesh on March 26. This is the first time in 15 months that Nerendra Modi is paying a visit to a foreign country. All this time Modi jee has been spearheading the war against Corona for which the world rightfully has
The Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant (RNPP), the first-ever nuclear power plant of Bangladesh, consists of two units – each with a capacity of 1,200 megawatts – is one of the most ambitious projects in Bangladesh’s history. The RNPP project is crucial towards achieving the
It is obvious that the world has been undergoing many challenges since the outbreak of Covid-19. Apart from economic fallout the world has counted millions of death exposing a dire threat on humanity. It has been an unprecedented global shock and to come out of this shock people of all
Over the past decade, Bangladesh has made significant progress in the development of its power sector. The available installed capacity, excluding captive power and renewable energy, increased from 5823 MW in 2009-10 to 18079 MW in FY 19. Currently 93 percent people of Bangladesh have
It seems not astounding if students opine that google is the best teacher. In today’s world students are no more dependent on teachers to seek answers of their questions, rather they can get all the solutions instantly entering the google search engine that has made a revolution in
Rohingya children are such a wreath generation that they are denied all shorts rights in their own state, went through terrible violence, and finally fled to Bangladesh for their survival. Bangladesh with its outsized population burden, still surely welcomed them with great empathy and
Covid-19 and schedules On October 1, JSC "AEM-technology", a part of the Russian State Atomiс Energy Corporation Rosatom, shipped the last of the four steam generators for Rooppur NPP, the country’s first under construction nuclear power project. The first item was
There is a good reason to worry about the air quality in Dhaka, as Bangladesh ranks 179th (out of 180 countries) at the Environmental Performance Index for air quality. According to the State of Global Air (2019), air pollution is the fifth leading risk for mortality worldwide. In 2017,
If you're a kid who built whole cities in the bedroom, look out for civil engineering. Civil engineers build real cities, from roads and bridges to tunnels, public buildings, highly challenging structure and sewer systems. The projects have three phases: pre-construction
Sometime end of December 71, just after independence, I decided to visit the famous American journalist Edgar Snow. He spent his last days in Eysins on Lac lemon not far from Geneva. Above 60, he looked a bit tired. Purpose of my visit was to thank him. He called me on December 16 to
The world is going through a critical situation after a very quick spread of the coronavirus disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) made an assessment of COVID-19 as a global pandemic on 11th March 2020. Since then the virus has had an immense impact on the economy as well as on the
The whole world is devastated by the Corona epidemic that started from Wuhan, China last December. Around One billion people are losing their jobs worldwide due to lack of employment. According to the United Nations, the number of unemployed youth aged between 15 to 24 has almost
The news of band music legend Aiyub Bachchu’s death reached another living legend James during one of his stage performances. Although James became emotional and almost lost his strength of continuing the program, suddenly he recollected the passionate words of Aiyub Bachchu,
On 12 January 2020, the World Health Organization confirmed that a novel coronavirus was the cause of a respiratory illness in a cluster of people in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. The COVID-19 pandemic was confirmed to have spread to Bangladesh in 8th March 2020. The world is now
Prologue "People have a right to protest peacefully & while observing social distancing but they have no right to attack the police…these demonstrations have been subverted by thuggery - and they are a betrayal of the cause they purport to serve. Those responsible will be held to
COVID-19 is a natural disaster. It causes irreparable losses in financial and other sectors all over the world. Almost all types of productions are impede or withheld. Result is widespread supply shortage. Many business treaties were postponed or cancelled. Economists, market analyzers,
The Republic of Azerbaijan is a country in the South Caucasus region of Eurasia, with a population of more than 10 million people. Like all countries around the world, the Azerbaijani State fighting with COVID-19 to ensure the health and security of Azerbaijanis. But the Caucasian country
Life has got stuck overwhelmingly due to the unprecedented days of corona pandemic but let it not go as every time is counted with success and despairs we yield to. In our life time is an old gypsy man flowing its wave to the infinity unnoticing the ups and downs of humanity—our wells
After 66 days of lockdown, Bangladesh reopened of all offices, business and transport on a limited scale on 31 May, even though the spread of Covid-19 in the country shows no sign of slowing down. Most employees joined their workplaces with fear and anxiety. The resumption of business
After the independence in 1971, Bangladesh has suffered with numerous natural disasters, critical issues of governance systems, and development challenges. In turn, the country has bounced back from the situations strongly in most of the cases, and since the early 2000’s the country has