NEW ORLEANS: Energy giant BP was expected Saturday to try and place a better cap over its gushing well in the Gulf of Mexico to stop the devastating oil flow. Admiral Thad Allen, who oversees the government`s spill response, said late Friday he had approved the plan to simultaneously
KABUL: International troops fighting the Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan killed six civilians, NATO said Saturday, a day after conceding that six Afghan soldiers had died in a "friendly fire" incident. Civilian casualties are an incendiary topic with Afghans, who increasingly regard
MANILA: A reporter who worked for a politician in the Philippine elections has been shot, police said Saturday, the latest attack on a journalist in a country regarded as one of the most dangerous for the media. Police were guarding the hospital room of broadcaster Miguel Belen after
SULAIMANIYAH: Turkish warplanes bombed Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq overnight wounding one person in the raid, an Iraqi regional government official told AFP on Saturday. "The bombing started at 3:00 am (midnight GMT) and lasted for one hour in the area of Sidakan," near the Iranian
PESHAWAR: Three Pakistani soldiers were killed as Taliban attacked security forces in a northwestern tribal area, sparking clashes in which 25 militants were killed, officials said Saturday. "Militants attacked an army patrol in Makeen district of South Waziristan area late Friday in
YAKAGHUND: A suicide attacker and a suspected car bomb unleashed carnage in a busy Pakistani market on Friday, killing 102 people including woman and children and burying victims under pulverised shops. The attacks devastated Yakaghund town in the district of Mohmand, one of seven
AL-QAEDA: Surrounded by mountains and weighed down by poverty, a Yemeni town bears the dubious honour of carrying the same name as Al-Qaeda.The residents of Al-Qaeda, 220 kilometres (135 miles) northwest of the capital Sanaa, say the name has brought shame on the town.Al-Qaeda (Arabic for
TOKYO: Japan`s new prime minister Naoto Kan was hailed as the humble "son of a salaryman" when he took office a month ago but quickly lost favour with the electorate by bringing up the subject of tax hikes.Japan`s fifth premier in four years, Kan has put fiscal discipline at the core of
VIENNA: In a perfectly choreographed operation, Russia and the United States completed their biggest spy swap since the Cold War Friday, exchanging 10 agents deported by the US for four freed by Moscow.As the cloak-and-dagger move successfully drew the curtain on what could have fuelled
SYDNEY: An Australian soldier was killed while on foot patrol in restive southern Afghanistan, Australia`s defence minister said Saturday -- taking the death toll among the nation`s troops to 17.The 23-year-old died and another soldier was wounded after they hit an improvised explosive
UNITED NATIONS: UN chief Ban Ki-moon Friday called Friday on Sri Lanka to "normalize conditions" around the UN office in Colombo after days of angry demonstrations over a UN war crimes panel.Following Thursday`s recall of the UN`s top envoy to the island, Neil Buhne, Ban again urges
LONDON: Raoul Moat, the fugitive gunman snared by British police after a massive manhunt, has died, a source told AFP, after apparently shooting himself Saturday in an armed siege.A well-placed source confirmed that the 37-year-old, on the run for a week following a deadly shooting spree,
SEOUL: North Korea said Saturday it was willing in principle to return to nuclear disarmament talks after the United Nations failed to blame it for a deadly attack on a South Korean warship.The North, which denies US and South Korean claims that it torpedoed the ship with the loss of 46
MOSCOW: Ten Russian spies freed by the United States will arrive on a flight from Vienna at Moscow`s Domodedovo airport shortly before 1400 GMT, an airport spokeswoman told AFP. The Kremlin agents were to arrive at Domodedovo on a plane belonging to Russia`s emergency situations ministry
PARIS: West Africa, beset by poor security, corruption, lawlessness and home to sprawling and remote desert, has become a key transit point for drugs smuggled from Latin America and destined for Europe. The contraband is smuggled in on cargo planes and ships, fishing vessels and yachts
TOKYO: Japan`s Prime Minister Naoto Kan, in power for just a month, will seek the popular mandate he lacks so far at upper house elections Sunday, but opinion polls suggest his chances are mixed at best. The vote will be the first national ballot box test since his centre-left party
ELYAKIM TRAINING BASE: Four years after its devastating war in south Lebanon, Israel says it hopes peace will hold but keeps its troops at the ready, claiming Hezbollah is stockpiling weapons in villages.At the Elyakim army base in northern Israel, a "village" of concrete structures, done
SYDNEY: Australia`s new prime minister Julia Gillard appeared Friday to be backing away from a controversial proposal to process asylum seekers bound for its shores in impoverished East Timor. Gillard Tuesday launched her bid for a regional processing centre with assurances she had
International UNITED NATIONS: The UN Security Council was set to condemn the sinking of a South Korean warship but stop short of strongly censuring North Korea as demanded by Seoul and Washington, a draft statement said. The text, expected to be adopted by
PESHAWAR: A suicide attacker and suspected car bomb caused carnage in a busy Pakistani market outside a goverment office on Friday, killing 55 people and burying victims under pulverised shops. The devastation struck Yakaghund town in the district of Mohmand, one of seven that make up